The most important body within a faculty is the Department Council (FBR). The FBR advises and decides on matters of fundamental importance to the faculty. Each of the 12 faculties has its own department council. Among other things, it is responsible for:

  • the appointment of various committees of the faculty, such as the examination board,
  • the election of the dean and the vice-dean,
  • the allocation of the faculty's resources (finances, staff and premises),
  • the establishment or discontinuation of degree programmes,
  • the adoption of examination regulations
  • the awarding of academic titles, and
  • the appointment of the commissions of the faculty.

The departmental council meets approximately every four weeks during the lecture period. A departmental council consists of 17 voting members:

  •     9 professors,
  •     4 students,
  •     3 academic staff members and
  •     1 non-scientific staff member

The student members are elected for one year, the other members for three years.
You can find an overview of all department councils at: