
Elections to the student parliament (StuPa)

The election to the StuPa is organized by the student body.


4th and 5th of February, 2024, from 09:00 - 15:00 each day


Polling station in building 46, room 225 (directly next to the foyer-entry leading to the canteen) (all students but ones from the departments Raum- und Umweltplanung and Architektur)

Building 1, lobby (students from the departments Raum- und Umweltplanung and Architektur only)


There have been no election proposals. For details about the election procedure, have a look at the election procedure page.

Election proposals StuPa

Here you can find out about the people standing for election to the student parliament.

Election proposals

Dates and deadlines

When is the election, until when can you nominate people or apply for a postal vote? Find out here.

Dates and deadlines

Electoral roll

To vote or be elected, you must be on the electoral roll.

Electoral roll

Polling station

You can also cast your vote at the polling station.

Polling station

Electoral procedure

How to vote. Information on the election procedure and what to consider.


University elections

Information on the Senate and Faculty Council


Auxiliary persons

Do you need help filling in your ballot paper? Inform here.

Auxiliary persons